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Superior Graphite Recarburizer
Superior Graphite Recarburizer

Superior Graphite Recarburizer can achieve the ideal effect in casting, this is mainly because Superior Graphite Recarburizer has the characteristics of low sulfur and low nitrogen. If you find many honeycomb holes on the surface of the casting, it is likely to be the result of excessive nitrogen element in the graphite recarburizing, so please use Superior Graphite Recarburizer agent to provide reliable guarantee for your production. Superior Graphite Recarburizer is rich in carbon elements and

1-3mm Recarburizer
1-3mm Recarburizer

recarburizer particle size is usually 1-3mm, 0.2-1mm, 1-5mm, 5m-10mm, the appearance of powder, column, granular. 1-3mm recarburizer is often purchased by many customers of particle size, it is widely used in the field of steel making and casting, can be quickly dissolved in molten steel or molten iron, it recarburization effect is good, can effectively reduce harmful elements such as sulfur content, make steel has toughness. 1-3mm recarburizer type We provide 1-3mm particle size calcined coal r

Recarburizer Application For Steel Making
Recarburizer Application For Steel Making

Recarburizer is widely used in steel making process. Because of the heat loss of carbon in steel making process, it is necessary to replenish carbon. The use of recarburizer can not only adjust the carbon content in molten steel, but also greatly reduce the amount of pig iron because of its low price, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing the cost of steel making. The recarburizer is application for steel making. It can effectively affect the hardness and toughness of steel, and has the appli

Recarburizer Supplier Guide
Recarburizer Supplier Guide

Rearburizer is widely used in the metallurgical industry, especially in the casting industry with the largest amount of recarburizer, in the procurement of recarburizer, casting manufacturers need to choose high-quality recarburizer suppliers to ensure the normal production. 80% of foundry manufacturers are not satisfied with the products provided by recarburizer suppliers, which is mainly reflected in the quality of recarburizer and supplier services, so we need a reliable recarburizer supplier

Recarburizer definition and meaning from manufacturer
Recarburizer definition and meaning from manufacturer

Recarburizer is currently widely used in a variety of industries, but its definitions is generally inaccurate.

High Carbon Recarburizer
High Carbon Recarburizer

High carbon recarburizer can more effectively provide carbon elements for molten steel and molten iron, so it is favored by steel mills and foundries. High carbon recarburizers are often expensive, but according to process requirements, some high carbon recarburizers are not suitable for use, especially in the casting process, castings often require low sulfur and low nitrogen high carbon recarburizers. Such as coal carburizer with high carbon content, it is difficult to meet the requirements of