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Why Using Carbon Raiser in Steelmaking And Foundry?
Why Using Carbon Raiser in Steelmaking And Foundry?

Carburizers are divided into carburizers for steelmaking and carburizers for cast iron, and some other additives are also used, such as additives for brake pads, as friction materials. The recarburizer is an additional carburizing raw material for steelmaking and ironmaking. High-quality carburizer is an essential auxiliary additive for producing high-quality steel. There are many kinds of raw materials for carburizers, and the production processes are also different. It is not that graphite pow

How to Choose High Quality Carbon Raiser
How to Choose High Quality Carbon Raiser

High-quality carbon raiser generally refers to a carbon additive that has been graphitized. Under high temperature conditions, the arrangement of carbon atoms is in the microscopic form of graphite. Graphitization can reduce the content of impurities in the carbon raiser, increase the carbon content, and reduce sulfur content. When choosing a high-quality carburant, the following issues should be paid attention to 1. Try to use high-temperature graphitization carbon raiser as much as possible. T

Carbon Additive For Foundries
Carbon Additive For Foundries

Many foundries use carbon additives in the process of producing castings, which can effectively improve the quality of castings and reduce production costs. There are many types of carbon additives used in foundries, and the raw materials used are mainly graphite, petroleum coke, calcined coal, anthracite, etc. The different raw materials are important factors affecting the quality of carbon additives. The chemical index of carbon additive is an important basis for identifying the advantages and

Carbon Raiser
Carbon Raiser

The fixed carbon content of the carbon raiser affects its purity, and the absorption rate affects the effect of the use of carbon raisers. At present, carbon raisers are widely used in steel making and casting and other fields, in the process of steel making because the high temperature will make the carbon loss in the steel, so the need to use carbon raisers to supplement the carbon content of the steel, so as to improve the performance of steel, in casting carbon raisers play an important role

Carbon Additive
Carbon Additive

Carbon additive is widely used in the foundry industry, with low sulfur and low nitrogen characteristics of the carbon additive in the field of casting is outstanding, it can effectively reduce the tendency of the casting white mouth, and reduce the honeycomb holes in the casting, significantly improve the quality of the casting. The raw materials used in the production of carbon additive are mainly natural graphite, artificial graphite, petroleum coke, calcined coal, etc. The use of calcination

Recarburizer Exporter - Get Exporter Introduction & Price
Recarburizer Exporter - Get Exporter Introduction & Price

Imported recarburizer is preferred by many manufacturers because of its good quality and low price. sourcing imported recarburizer requires us to find the right recarburizer exporter. A good quality recarburizer exporter will offer you reliable recarburizer quality and good service. What is recarburizer exporter? recarburizer exporter is a foreign trade company that has the right to handle recarburizer export business, and the customers are distributed all over the world, and generally the rec